Where have I been? An update on what’s happened the last few weeks

Well sorry for my hiatus there – I realize I have really dropped the ball here on a few things in particular!

1. Part 2 of Father’s Day bad gift round up.

2. Finishing Week’s 2-4 of the Buzzfeed workout updates.

3. Letting everyone know that Baby C turned 1! Happy Birthday to my little man!

Here’s what happened to me:

At the beginning of Week 2 I started out strong on the Workout plan. However, a colleague of mine was killed suddenly which really puts things in perspective and of course was emotionally draining. Near the end of the week I was laid off from my job unexpectedly. Two days after that we headed up North to a cottage for a week that we had booked a while ago and of course there was absolutely no cell service or anything. I also did not have any dumbbells with me so in reality it was a bizarre idea to think I could continue the challenge in the middle of nowhere. That said I went on a couple of canoe trips, lot’s of walks and hikes to stay active while there of course the food counteracted that and I came back a few pounds heavier (I have since dropped those pounds again).

The week away was great and relaxing time to think about what I want to do go forward without worrying too much about applying for a lot of jobs right away because as I said, no computer or cellular service. We came home and attended a really beautiful wedding of two good friends of ours (and it was an extra special wedding because even though Canada has had marriage equality for 10 years these two ladies tied the not the day after the USA Supreme Court Ruling!).

From there it was birthday week for Baby C who turned 1 on Canada Day (July 1st) and I had to get used to not going to work. We got ready for Baby C’s party on the weekend which was a fabulous day.

Which brings us to this week. Baby C was scheduled to start day care full time and we had paid for the first 2 weeks up front. So off Baby C goes to day care while I have no where to go. At least it was easy to clean up the house on Monday after the birthday party! And man, a trip to Costco is much easier without a baby in tow. For now Baby C will be going to day care 4 days a week to help socialize him and allow me time to work on applications, resumes and schedule interviews. Hopefully I have some more solid leads for work by September. So here I am now. Unemployed for the first time since highschool trying to find a new career.

This week I’ll do Part 2 of the Father’s Day bad gift round up which I know is going to be late but I think I saved some of the best items for this and it gives me something fun to write as opposed to Cover Letters!

I also will talk about where I am in my Fitness Journey at the end of the week. On Monday I went back to the gym (which was eerily quiet at 2:30pm) and did the Monday Buzzfeed workout again as well as some cardio. I also have gone on a few jogs with the stroller while off and have of course been having regular walks with husband and Baby C in the evenings.

Thanks everyone! I am really excited about what is to come in the future for me and my family!